Posts by River Run Farm

Shirts and other news

The empty bowls supper was a rousing success, other than the baby pigs getting out just before a fairly large group of folks got to the barn.  New Pioneers raised quite a bit of money, and we were delighted to welcome so many community members to our farm. February seems to be dragging and dragging on- the hay has...

February News

I’ve been delinquent in updating the website over the winter so here goes, in no particular order. Our Tamworth sow farrowed a litter of 6 baby pigs 2 weeks ago ( luckily enough I had her in the barn already, although I suspect she would have done fine in the field), and all of the baby pigs are doing...

Hog Butchering and Kiln Firing

Well we butchered our big hog this past Wednesday- Luckily we had a lot of help- 3 Amish friends and a total of 6 English folks worked part or most of the day.  We ground the sausage, cut the chops, roasts, etc, rendered the lard and pressed the cracklins, and put the hams and bacons on salt on wednesday. ...

Fall News

Nearly all of the chickens processed at Marksbury have been sold for the year.  We will probably try to raise 2 batches of meat birds next year, so if anyone wants to reserve a few please let me know.  Also, we have had 2 interns from California, via, Antony and Jenny, staying with us for a few weeks. ...

Solar Power

The solar array is finally up and running- it is great to see the arrows blink backwards on the electric meter, even if it is only happening through the afternoon.  Anyways, we had been planning and saving for this system since the spring and it was finally finished this past tuesday.  It should provide about half of our power,...