Bill Moyers, Pottery, and Pigs
Posted on Oct 4, 2013
Its been a little while since I’ve update the site and I apologize. I’m still working 1 full time and 2 part time off-farm jobs, but I’m quitting both the part time jobs by the end of the year. I should be able to devote much more time to the farm, my family and hobbies, and hopefully the website.
So now to the title of the post: St. Catharine College had a conference in early April this year to commerate the 35th aniversary of the publication of Wendell Berry’s book “The Unsettling of America.” The conference featured numerous luminaries speaking about agriculture, sustainability, coal, GMOs and other issues. The highlight of the conference was Bill Moyers interviewing Wendell Berry right here in Springfield, KY. After the interview, the Moyers film crew came to our place to get some footage of a real farm to include in the program. And, finally, the program is going to be aired this weekend- sunday here on KET1 and KET2, and other times during the next week on other PBS stations nationally, and the program can be streamed from the Moyers and Company website beginning the afternoon of 10/4/13.
I had been hoping to teach a pottery class through the continuing education department at St. Catharine this fall- 5 weeks in the studio at their Lebanon campus and then the final week we would fire all the student’s work in my wood-fired kiln. I took every wednesday off the next 8 weeks for the class, and so far NO ONE has signed up. It doesn’t begin until the 16th of this month, so it may fly still, so if anyone reading this is local and interested in pottery, please sign up here
And finally, we’re getting another batch of hogs butchered at Marksbury Farm in 2 weeks, which means in about 3-4 weeks, I will have a LOT of pork. If anyone is interested in purchasing a quarter, half, or whole hog, now is the time we should be talking. This batch is Tamworth/Berkshire crosses, never medicated, never given steroids or hormones, never on concrete- in pasture or woodlots, and fed garden goodies and non-GMO corn for a local mill. Good eating. Contact me at my e-mail- if you are interested in the pork.
Jonas Hurley