Hog Butchering and Kiln Firing
Well we butchered our big hog this past Wednesday- Luckily we had a lot of help- 3 Amish friends and a total of 6 English folks worked part or most of the day. We ground the sausage, cut the chops, roasts, etc, rendered the lard and pressed the cracklins, and put the hams and bacons on salt on wednesday. ...
Kiln opening and other news
I guess everything has a steeper learning curve than you would first think. It took about a day longer and half a cord of wood more than I expected to get the wood fired pottery kiln to temperature, but it finally got there. Big thanks go out to Matt Gaddie who came out and did some fine tuning with...
Good Food
I wanted to update everyone with the produce that we will be offering for sale through the fall and winter at our farm. Pastured chicken- these will be whole birds, processed at Marksbury Farm, available in late October. They will weigh 3.5 to 4 pounds and will be sold at $3/pound. Never given any antibiotics, steroids, or hormones. ...