Good Food

Posted on Sep 22, 2012

I wanted to update everyone with the produce that we will be offering for sale through the fall and winter at our farm.

Pastured  chicken- these will be whole birds, processed at Marksbury Farm, available in late October.  They will weigh 3.5 to 4 pounds and will be sold at $3/pound.  Never given any antibiotics, steroids, or hormones.  They are freedom rangers from a Mennonite hatchery in Pennsylvania:

Pastured turkey- these should dress out at about 12-14 pounds- $4/pound- Bourbon Reds and Royal palms- should be ready for Thanksgiving- I’ll only have about 6 this year.

Pastured rabbit- these will dress out at about 2.5 pounds and will be sold for $3.50/ pound.  I’ll have 35 ready within a few weeks.  If you’re a bit squeamish about eating Peter Cottontail, I would encourage you to look at some of the rabbit recipes Alice Waters has in many of her Chez Panisse cookbooks or the whole section on rabbit cookery in Fergus Henderson’s book Whole Beast- Eating Nose to Tail.

And finally the highlight of 2 years of work on the farm- I’ll have my first litter of pigs available toward the end of the winter.  These are Tamworth/Berkshire crosses, and if they grow anything like their sire (the Bekshire) they should weigh 250+ by then.  We will be selling them by the whole, half, and individual cuts.  Check back later for pricing.

I’ll have the rabbits and chickens available by the time of the pottery gallery opening on October 27 at 3:00 pm- please plan on coming out for that- free Bluegrass, free food, BYOB.
