Hog Butchering and Kiln Firing
Posted on Dec 8, 2012
Well we butchered our big hog this past Wednesday- Luckily we had a lot of help- 3 Amish friends and a total of 6 English folks worked part or most of the day. We ground the sausage, cut the chops, roasts, etc, rendered the lard and pressed the cracklins, and put the hams and bacons on salt on wednesday. Then on thursday I finished the souse meat, made livercheese and scrapple, and finally had some delicious roasted tenderloin for supper. From a 400 pound hog we threw away about 25 pounds of guts- all the rest was put to some use or another.
Anyways- I will be loading the wood fired kiln on the 12th (this coming Wednesday) and will be firing then this coming thursday and friday and maybe into saturday. Any or all are welcome to come by and see the show and help out for a while if the spirit moves them.